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STAY HOPE FULL is an affirmation I created during the lockdown of the pandemic to empower myself to stay positive. During that time I was curious to see how it would look to wear it on a t-shirt to help remind myself of strength and resilience. This is how I created my first t-shirt and mug and it was so empowering to see all the time and it led me on a continued path of wellness, which now is a priority for me everyday. Seeing STAY HOPE FULL so often gave me the courage to apply and attend graduate school for clinical psychology, and helped me find meaning and purpose in building my brand. In addition, I started doing more community work which also increased my capacity to build more meaningful connections in a time when the world was slowing opening back up. I started sharing it with others and saw how transformative it has been for them also. 


Mental health can start as small as reading your favorite mug that uplifts your spirit. I want to provide a safe space in our challenging world for people to know their mental health is ever evolving and it's okay to remind yourself that progress takes time. YOU ARE WORTHY of carving out space in your day to focus on keeping your mental state healthy, just as you do with the food you eat and the activities you choose. Mental health can be a fore-thought, it can be an intention you set and practice daily. And, it can be as simple as wearing a shirt, or hat, and using a mug that says something kind and mindful. Maintaining comes with its challenges, but I know through experience that if you embrace small reminders along the way that you will also allow yourself to prioritize the alleviation of your unnecessary stress and empower better health practices. STAY HOPE FULL for brighter days ahead. 

With Love, 

Jess Tindal

Owner, Creator and CEO

Let’s Work Together

500 Terry Francine Street 

San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

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